Best Sporting Cities Across The Globe



If you are a traveler and a sports enthusiast you would want to visit places where there is a huge culture, passion and excitment of sports like in India, you can find great influence of football in states like Kolkata and Goa while Punjab is popular of Hockey and probably Cricket being popular in Maharashtra. Just the same way here are few of the major cities of the world having great sporting culture.


People might argue about London being the best sporting city in the world. Well it is surely one of the best cities to visit as a sports fan. London had hosted 2012 Olympics and it was a big hit. Football lives crazy in London with massively popular clubs like Chelsea, Arsenal are home to London. There is also a huge popularity of Cricket in England and this capital of UK is surely worth visiting for a sports enthusiast.


How enjoyable it is to watch a Cricket match with 90000 fans in the Melbourne Cricket grounds. Not only cricket. Melbourne holds major Golf tournaments and many other major tournaments. Australian Open another famous tournament held in Melbourne alongside Formula one Grand Prix and the next Cricket World cup will be in Australia.


New York

New York is a major city and is home to the famous New York Yankees. This city has also host Hockey World Cup in past. They are probably going to host a Olympics in the near future too. It is also a home to Football Club New York Red Bulls. It is a beautiful city for tourists and one major city in the world.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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