Best Sports To Play On The Beach


beach volleball

Going to a beach? Wanna enjoy a sport? There are really popular beach sports played around the world and there is always a relaxing going down the sea-side relaxing in a hot summer day, but also it is fun to get some physical activity/adventure by enjoying some amazing Beach Sports.


Be a sailor and sail through the oceans. It can be dangerous but it has the most luxurious experience to enjoying the nature, the view. You will feel like you are in a paradise while Sailing.


It seems a difficult sport but Surfing Is known as an ‘optical dilution’. You will not know how adventures it is unless you really do it, just hope there are high waves to enjoy surging. There are professional surfers and there are tournaments and surfing is just so cool

Scuba Diving

It is risky but, one of the wildest adventures you will ever be in. How about enjoying the marine world by going into the sea and experiencing realistically, it is risky but a time which you will never want to forget.


One of the most popular games on beach, sometimes you feel it has more fun than actual volleyball. How about defending your ball by diving or having a solid volley strike to win the game, It is always a fun.


The great thing about playing football on the beach is you can score goal through a dream ‘overhead kick’, yeah it is possible, just try it out. Ball control on the sand is damn difficult but there is fun in diving, tackling since you might not get hurt much.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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