World’s best Universities.



Here is a list of top5 universities all around the globe with highest reputation and best education.


1: Harvard University

Cambridge, United States

Region: North America

The oldest academic institute in the US, it dates from 1636 and is named after its first benefactor, John Harvard. It has the global academy’s largest financial endowment and boasts more than 40 Nobel laureates. Its 210-acre main campus and 23 satellites house 10 faculties and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.


2:Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Cambridge, United States

Region: North America

In 150 years, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has produced more than 70 Nobel laureates, eight of whom are members of its current faculty. From its 168-acre Charles River campus, more than 10,000 students are instructed in architecture and planning; engineering; humanities, arts and social sciences; management; science; and health sciences and technology.

3: Stanford University

Stanford, United States

Region: North America

Founded in 1891 by railway tycoon Leland Stanford in remembrance of his son, who died aged 16, Stanford is said to be, after Harvard, the US’ most selective university, accepting around 7 per cent of applicants. Its alumni founded corporate giants including Hewlett-Packard and Google. The world’s third-richest university, it teaches about 7,000 undergraduate and around 4,000 graduate students.

4:University of Cambridge

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Region: Europe

Cambridge alumni loom large in the making of the modern world: Newton on laws and motion; Rutherford splitting the atom; Darwin on evolution; Turing’s prototypical computer; Crick and Watson with DNA. Founded in 1209 by Oxford scholars who quit after a dispute with the local citizenry, Cambridge now employs more than 8,500 staff and has over 18,300 students.

5:University of Oxford

Oxford, United Kingdom

Region: Europe

Twenty-six British prime ministers, at least 30 other world leaders, 12 saints and 20 archbishops of Canterbury have been Oxonians. Oxford virtually invented college life in the 13th century. The world’s third-oldest surviving university offers approximately 12,000 undergraduates a choice of 38 colleges and six permanent private-residence halls.



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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