Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Hospital, Mumbai Recruitment 2015 For 4 Job Posts


Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Hospital, Mumbai

Important Dates: 

The walk-in-interview would be conducted on January 5 and 6 2015. 

Total Number of Posts: 04 

Resident Medical Officer (ICCU/Medicine): 1 post 

Resident Medical Officer (Casualty/Medicine): 1 post 

JRD/SRD (Pediatrics): 1 post 

JRD/SRD (Radiology): 1 post

Eligibility Criteria:


RMO (ICCU/Med.), RMO (Casualty/Disp.) and Junior Resident Doctor: MBBS degree along with the one year internship from a recognized institution.  

Senior Resident Doctor: MBBS degree from a recognized university and also a Post Graduation Diploma in the requisite discipline recognized by Medical Council of India or MBBS degree along with one year experience as Junior Resident Doctor 

Selection Procedure: 

Performance in the interview. 

How to Apply: 

Walk-in interview conducted by the organization along with the set of attested Xerox copies as well as original certificates in support of date of birth, educational qualifications (Class X, XII,MBBS-year wise, Internship completion, Degree and passing certificate, etc), Registration, one passport size photograph and experience certificates at Conference Room, 1st Floor, BARC Hospital, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 400 094.


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