Bloom throws punch at Bieber after Miranda taunt



Orlando Bloom and Justin Bieber got into a heated altercation at Cipriani in Ibiza, Spain, early Wednesday, sources said. After getting in each other’s faces — Bloom threw a punch at the pop star — the crowd cheered.

Sources told Page Six that Bloom took a swing at Bieber after the singer, 20, made a rude comment about Bloom’s ex, Miranda Kerr. But a source close to Bieber insisted that the comment was only made after Bloom took a swing, and missed.

The bad blood between the two began in 2012 when Bieber was seen getting flirty with Kerr after a Victoria’s Secret fashion show, which reportedly led to tension between the model and her Hollywood star husband, Bloom. The married couple then separated in October 2013.

Then newly single Bloom was seen spending time with Bieber’s ex-girlfriend, Selena Gomez, in April.

Bloom and Bieber, meantime, were spotted early Wednesday at the Ibiza hot spot among a starry crowd, including Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Diddy.

“Justin was at one table, and Orlando was at another,” “But when Bieber and his party were later walking past Bloom’s table, Orlando refused to shake Bieber’s hand.” Then “Bieber said something rude to Orlando, like, ‘She was good.’” {Source: TMZ}

Another source close to Bieber countered that the pop star didn’t make any rude comment and that “Justin didn’t even know Orlando was there. But when they saw each other, it was Orlando who was just being an a-hole to Justin.”

Either way, when the stars’ paths crossed, there was a heated exchange.

Bloom and Bieber’s ex Selena Gomez were spotted together in Los Angeles in April.

“They got in each other’s faces and there were words,”. “But they were separated by their entourages.” {Source: TMZ}

A witness captured 30 seconds of the confrontation on video and posted it to Facebook. It shows Bloom walking away from Bieber and being separated by a crowd, but then turning back to walk to Bieber and confront him.

“When they were back together again, Orlando threw a punch at Bieber,”. “He just tried to pop him! The whole place cheered.” {Source: TMZ}

*EXCLUSIVE* Orlando Bloom and Selena Gomez get close and personal **NO Australia, New Zealand** **NO WEB UNTIL 9AM PACIFIC TIME (PST) AFTER EMBARGO IS OVER CLIENTS MUST CALL FOR PRICING**

A source close to Bieber said Bloom’s punch missed. “There was no contact,”. “He missed. Then there was some ‘tough-guy shoving,’ and they were separated.” {Source: TMZ}

Kerr walks the runway during the Victoria’s Secret 2012 Fashion Show on Nov. 7, 2012, in New York City.

AFTER THE PUNCH “People saw it. That’s why everyone cheered.”

Bieber can reportedly be heard in the video of the incident, yelling, “What’s up, bitch?” to Bloom. A source said Bieber also said, “Say hi to her,” as the two were separated after the punch.

Then, “Justin hung out for a while and left.”


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