Big Bazaar Case Study For Practice


Big Bazaar

Strategic management process is defined as the process through which managers make strategic choice to achieve better performance and organizational goals. The process of strategic management includes: environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation. Environmental scanning means analyzing the internal and external factors which influences an organization. Strategy formulation means deciding the best course of action for achieving organizational objectives. Strategy Implementation means designing organization’s structure and managing human resources. Strategy evaluation means measuring performance and taking correction actions.

Here we present Big Bazaar Case Study For Practice:

Big Bazaar is both BIG and BAZAAR. It’s unlike, say a Wal-Mart or even a Food World. It is almost an air-conditioned version of any Indian Bazaar, slightly orderly, structured and economical than any bazaar in Mumbai or Chennai. Here also you see a huge crowd which moves in any direction. And everything is available, however you cannot shop leisurely, you need to jostle your way to your counter through the crowd like you do in any Bazaar or Hat in India and the worst is the checkout counter where you have to queue up for hours together.

Yet the place ticks and people keep coming in flocks. Big Bazaar offers really good prices, quality and value for money shopping. Apart from simple price shopping, there are some offers always running and some deals. The perception of Big Bazar is save money – isse sasta aur accha kahin nahin..

Q.1) What made Mr. Kishore Biyani dream of Big Bazaar – Do a PESTLE Analysis of rise of Indian consumerism? – 10 marks

Q.2) What is the strategy for Big Bazaar as it already has a first mover advantage? – 5 marks

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