Bittoo aka Kapil Sharma to marry his girlfriend Bhavneet Chatrath?


Kapil Sharma

The person having the best sense of humor is also best in hiding his relationship status. Kapil Sharma, the host of the best TV show Comedy Nights With Kapil (CNWK) has some secret people need to know. People still think Manju aka Sumona Chakravarti from CNWK is Kapil’s real wife while the fact is that he is still single.

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Did you know that Kapil got engaged to his girlfriend Bhavneet Chatrath, popularly known as Ginni Chatrath, earlier this year? Now news comes in that Kapil Sharma will tie the knot with her this winter in December. Kapil and Ginni appeared together in the comedy show Hans Baliye and have known each other since college days. Kapil Sharma has given “Babaji Ka Thullu” to all his fans regarding his relationship status.

As per reports, Kapil will mostly marry his childhood sweetheart Ginni after which she will shift to Mumbai from Chandigarh and join his production house.

Kapil Sharma’s brother Anil had revealed to Dainik Bhaskar that Kapil wants to get married after the release of his debut Bollywood film Bank Chor which was to be a Yash raj film. But now as things have not worked out between the both the parties, and the film has slipped out of his hands, he might as well be mulling marriage.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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