BJP opposes FDI?



Finally the new government takes over a country swept by the floods of dirty taxes and unemployment for more than 10 years now! Expectations from BJP are as high as, a place experiencing drought has from a few showers. Its time India moves out of this “MAN HOLE” to a well maintained  road leading to a Global Manufacturing Hub!

Agriculture in India has a significant history. India is ranked second for farm outputs worldwide. With the promises made by BJP government to contain inflation, look over the taxes levied and pursue reforms regarding the same and promote investments, it will meanwhile stop any kind of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in retail. BJP wants to take control, maintain discipline and bring reforms in the banking sector to deal with bad loan issues.

According to BJP, FDI is a pest for the Indian market and is only going to kill opportunities for the Indians and development of India. BJP wants to use the agricultural sector of India which is the back bone, as a weapon to bring back what is lost in the past. It wants to create a National Agricultural Market and encourage investments from the public in this sector.

Instead of letting in FDI in India, BJP wants to create job opportunities, fast track approvals, encourage any kinds of investments that will result in progress, 24/7 power supply in every corner, reforms in the fields which haven’t been looked after for more than a decade and which have almost died. It wants to give individuals the freedom to invest and start business which will be the initial step of creating employment and other reforms!

Why do we need the FDI when we, a population of 1.2 billion can create enough investment ourselves that after some years we will invest our money in other countries! Wow.. that doesn’t look like it’s going to take too long for that!  Looking forward to the new government with high hopes and expecting that the promises will be kept. 

– Saloni Tolia.

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