#BJPExposed Tweets, Status, Photos Trending on Twitter


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  1. If BJP falls under Modi It will never rise again! Never! Because Modi has already destroyed other leaders! 🙂
  2. Election Commission should ask BJP to drop word Bhartiya from its name, Why to disgrace country’s name with its Corruption.?
  3. BJP says it didnt authorize sher singh dagar for this. As if such authorization is.given in writing on party’s letterhead.
  4. Question should be asked by so called who is behind Sher Singh? Who is funding the whole trading ? Any quid pro quo ?
  5. Cancellation of presser by BJP today after sting op by shows their NERVOUSNESS and questions Modi’s claim of clean politics.

    (Disclaimer: The information provided here includes information derived from social media and we neither endorse nor support the same.)

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