Black Book Project Topic Ideas For Business Ethics


project topics

Are you bored of searching project topic ideas from textbooks or from classroom discussions? Here are some of the simplest project topics which can be chosen to do your 200 marks project in the area of Business Ethics.

  1. History and Teachings of Business Ethics
  2. Cross-cultural ethical issues of China and India
  3. Professional ethics of Indian managers and employees
  4. Corporate Wrongdoing – Corruption practices
  5. Role of top management in ethics
  6. Strategic planning of ethical culture in organizations
  7. Business deregulation policies and strategies
  8. International Business Strategies
  9. Benefits and disadvantages of public-private partnerships
  10. Functioning of business ethics in various departments of a business organization
  11. Human rights and labour practices
  12. Business of producing firearms ethical in the light of many civilian deaths
  13. Ethics of public-private partnerships
  14. Corporate social responsibility – way to cover exorbitant charges
  15. Are huge profits during recession justified?
  16. Targeted online advertising
  17. Collection of customer personal data by corporate

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