Black Book Project Topic Ideas On Financial Management



Third Year BMS students have to undertake a 200 marks research project under the supervision of a college faculty. The project length, content and structure have to be agreed between the students and the faculties. The black book project will be graded and given credit, based on the recommendation of the internal and external project guide.

Here we present Black Book Project Topic Ideas On Financial Management:

  1. Organization Study and its Financial Analysis
  2. Study on Effects of Basel II in Indian financial sector and also on global scenario
  3. Impact of financial derivatives and hedge funds on the Indian capital market
  4. Measuring the quality of service in the financial services sector with respect to car financing
  5. Study on fundamental analysis on non-banking financial companies
  6. Study of transaction costing in project appraisal and loan processing in banks and financial institutions
  7. Study on the measurement of financial efficiency in financial services sector
  8. Study on e-marketing of financial services – relationship approach
  9. Financing in SME sector
  10. Fundamental analysis of financial sector
  11. Measurement of financial efficiency
  12. Opportunities of financing the NANO’s
  13. Financial performance of co-operative bank
  14. Financial performance analysis
  15. Financial Planning and Forecasting
  16. Financial Instruments
  17. International Financial Reporting Standards
  18. In-depth study of Housing Finance sector
  19. Descriptive qualitative approach towards the financing needs of Indian telecom sector
  20. Brand evaluation for Financial Investment and customer satisfaction measurement
  21. Analysis of Financial statement by using the technique of ratio analysis
  22. Analysis of financial statements of ABC company

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