Blossom With The Floral Trend This Fashion Season!


floral print cover

Painterly petals and blossoming prints are surely the new dawn of femininity this season! They are truly running the gamut. But I’m sure you don’t wish to look that you are right from the jungle by overdoing it.So here are some tips which you have to keep in mind:

1.You can pair flowered trousers tempered gently  by a stripey top and black coat.

 2.If worn with a chintzy English floral dress paired with an old-school jeans jacket it is a class apart.

3.You can use defined waists, plunging necklines and slit skirts  to reinvent flowery finery.

 4.You can also opt for boldly vivid patterns of embroidered flowers.

5.Limit your accessories with floral prints to standout chandelier earrings.

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 6.Opt  for a structured bag to go with it.

7. Florals look great in floaty dresses,slinky gowns,smart suits and retro jumpsuits.

8.Choose a pair of subtle sandals.

9. Makeup should be kept totally nude and non – existent.

10. You choice for lip color should be neutral and a subtle dab of blush.

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11. Delicate florals will be perfectly matched by sheer panels, feminine beauty looks and layering of soft knits as the temperature drops.

12. It is the dark florals which go extremely well with minimal makeup.

 13. While wearing mismatched florals all you have to do is add a chic pair of heels.Look for clashing prints in complementary colors to gel with them.

14. Relaxed pants make the look twice as effortless this summer.

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                                                                                                                                                              Floral prints have truly morphed into an ongoing affair.They truly herald the season helping you look exude a state text of freshness.So it’s time to blossom this season with the flowery finery girls!


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Riya Lokhande

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