BMS Academic Excellence Awards 2013





Recently, the University of Mumbai conducted the board examinations for their third year students. As a gesture of acknowledgement, the University of Mumbai felicitates the toppers of the examinations. The felicitation goes a long way in appreciating the efforts spent by students. While the university’s felicitation only acknowledges efforts of the top 3 rankers across all colleges, it is important to recognize the several other unsung heroes studying in various colleges that host the BMS programme.

As an initiative to reach out to all such uncovered scholars, (a subsidiary of and WeSchool is hosting mega felicitation ceremony for toppers of all the 100 colleges hosting the BMS programme.

The “BMS Academic Excellence Award” will be the single largest rendezvous of TOPPERS from different BMS colleges across Mumbai. The Theme for “BMS Academic Excellence Award” is “Redefining Management Education”.


OVERVIEW: aims to develop an insight into developing a mindset for academic excellence. Colleges are faced with a consistent challenge of breaking the routine and helping students to move to new levels of performance. The “BMS Academic Excellence Award” will help break mindsets and develop a leash for new thinking – A whole new thinking for a new World.



  • To Create & Build a Culture of academic excellence
  • To inculcate a belief that management is a habit.
  • To Help students redefine management education.


The position that BMS Toppers occupy in the fraternity is strategic and iconic. As a thinker and doer they are a role model and a believer in change and excellence. This is an appreciation for their good work & contribution to BMS fraternity. The Award would consist of a Trophy and a Citation. will host the “BMS Academic Excellence Award” on 15th MARCH, 2013 (Friday) at Welingkar Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai from 4pm to 6pm.



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