BMS Alumni Interview with Parth Mehta



  • Tell us something about yourself?
I am Parth Mehta from Mumbai, Qualification – BMS graduate from Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management, Currently Pursuing Post graduation Diploma in Logistics & Supply chain management from Garware Institute of education and career development (Mumbai university), Planning to masters in Logistics & supply chain from National university of singapore in 2014.
  • Tell us something about your company?
Work experience 
1. Star Group (Logistic service provider) worked from 11.12.11 to 31.10.12
2. SCM Inventure Pvt Ltd. (3PL service provider) worked from 01.11.12 to Present.
  • How has been your BMS journey?
BMS Journey was a great one !! Almost 35 + subjects which shows BMS is a Jack of all but master in none. In a true sense BMS is a course where an individual creates many opportunities for him after completing the course.
  • Whom do you admire as your role model? Why?
First my Dad is my role model – who has struggled in his life and attained success. 
@Work place Mr. Husein sariya is my role model – Hard working, Great Mentor, Good at multitasking, Leadership quality etc
  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?
It does not matter what matters is your passion towards your work and your goals where you wanna be 5 to 10 yrs down the line. College and mark sheets are just on paper no one in the corporate world cares about it.
  • “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?
Of course it is the motive. 
  • What message would you like to give to the BMS students and budding entrepreneurs?
work with passion towards your dreams and success is on your cards.
 –Winston Churchill
  • What qualities you see for apart from the required academic qualification while recruiting a person?
Qualities like 
1. Leadership
2. Confidence
3. Taking up challenges at work place
4. Passion about the Job role
Its a great website which gives lot of information about the course to the students who are leaders and budding entrepreneurs of tomorrow !!
Wishing Luck to all the students 

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I am Karan Mange, Assistant Manager- Social Media Initiatives at currently studying TYBMS I am fun loving, extrovert, loves too much of talking, interacting with new people, exploring new places and many more. I go mad about music, especially sufi and classical. Interested in photography, graphic designing, media and music. want to explore world and see myself in the top management of a MNC.


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