BMS Case Study Competition


I Clean toh Mumbai Clean presents an exciting competition inviting ideas from bright, budding managers to deliberate on, analyze, and submit a detailed case study on different sub-issues of cleanliness in the city. The issue is not a new one, but perspectives and insights can be! Put on your smartest hats, think through any one of these issues, and present a fresh, detailed analysis with the solution. Winners will get certificates, prizes, glory, and the satisfaction of contributing to their own city. Plus, they will have an opportunity to intern with Blue Ribbon Movement!
1st prize – 60% discount on any course of CREDence Academy*
2nd prize – 30% discount on any course of CREDence Academy*
3rd prize – 20% discount on any course of CREDence Academy*
All participants – Rs. 1500/- off on any course of CREDence Academy*
Winning team will get an opportunity to intern with Blue Ribbon Movement
*enrolled before 31st July, 2011 for SYBMS and TYBMS students and before 31st July, 2012 for FYBMS students
Rules and Regulations
1. This competition is open only to current FYBMS, SYBMS, and TYBMS students from Mumbai University.
2. Each team must have 1 – 2 participants (from the same college).
3. All entries must be original.
4. Select any one case from the two attached for a single entry. Multiple entries are allowed.
5. All cases given are presented in current time frame.

6. Entries must reach the organizers by 14 April, 2011, 1800 hrs. Results will be declared within a week of the submission deadline.

7. Teams need to register by sending their full names, contact numbers, email IDs, and college names to [email protected]. and CC to [email protected]. Competition entries also need to be sent to the same ID before the deadline.
8. All entries need to be in .doc format, with a limit of minimum 1000 words and maximum 2000 words excluding annexures or exhibits.
9. All entries will become properties of I Clean toh Mumbai Clean campaign and may be used for the campaign objectives.

The Blue Ribbon Movement | [email protected] | | +91 9833972206

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BMS Team

We, at, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. We are here to provide and update you with every details required by you BMSites! If you want to join us, please mail to [email protected].


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