congratulates BMS Gyaani Contest Winner Nida Shaikh

0 Presents BMS Gyaani Contest of April 2013.

The contest will be held daily between 8pm to 10pm.

Daily winner gets exciting prizes and the consistent winner of the contest gets a Blue Book ” MBA Mafia Exposed” (cost Rs. 650) by renowned author Ankush Agarwal.

Our judge:
Samruddha Tadmare, BMS, 2ndLL.B, Legal representative (Lawyer) at Labour Court, Thane.

Judging criteria: All answers should be correct and maximum score becomes the winner.

Contest entries closes at 9.45pm. Results announcement at 10pm


Today’s contest had 15 entries out of which Nida Shaikh from Royal College won the contest with all correct answers 🙂



  • Which country did earthquake happen yesterday? (16th April 2013)



  • Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given  “ARDUOUS”



  • A local school teacher wanted to share 703 sweets equally between the pupils.If there were 2 fewer students, less than 6 sweets will remain undistributed. How many sweets would remain undistributed?


Is at least one of the three numbers A2< B2< C2 divisible by 3?
A, B and C are consecutive even numbers


Reservation – A Necessity or a Burden! Comment your views

Well i dont think its necessity because they say they have reservation for SC/ST in colleges or institutes but my question is where are these people in such institutes the ultimate benefit seeker is such organisations which in the name of reservation sell the seats to rich brats irrespective of their grades.


Best Comments for the topic were:

  • The sole aim of reservation in any form should be to help the underprivileged and assist them to be a part of the newly developed India.
  • Reservation in my opinion should be made for everyone who heralds from a lower economic status for one-time for either govt. jobs or govt. educational institution. Once availed it cannot be used for the next 3 generations and that too after calculating the economic status. This would ensure that it comes to an end one day.”


Other contestants scores are:

1) Prashant Singh – 4/5

2) Nikhil – 3/5

3) Nida – 5/5

4) Nimesh – 4/5

5) Mable – 4/5

6) Govind – 2/5

7) Tapan – 4/5

8) Shweta – 3/5

9)Asawari – 3/5

10) Sunil – 2/5

11) Manish – 2/5

12) Faizal – 2/5

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