Job Fair 2013 @ VESIMSR on 31st May 2013


Recognizing a need to bridge the employment gap for Bachelors of Management Studies course students, is hosting a BMS Job Fair this year which will provide an opportunity for SYBMS (Second Year of Bachelors of Management Studies) and TYBMS (Third Year of Bachelors of Management Studies) students to connect with companies from different sectors across Mumbai. Job Fair 2013 is to provide companies a large number of qualified and managerial employable candidates and to provide employment opportunities to the students. We believe that the Job Fair 2013 is a unique event for companies to meet and interact with a substantial group of outstanding students. The Job Fair creates student access to corporate internships, job placement and career information exchange. The Job Fair provides opportunities for building relationships among students and corporate houses.


Objectives of Job Fair 2013:


  • To identify and encourage Corporate and Students participation
  • To place students in career development programs, internships and permanent positions in the industry.
  • To develop ongoing relationships between and companies.
  • To provide exposure to students of the various positions available in the industry.
  • To build interpersonal relationship with recruiters and students.


Companies Participating – 15 to 20 (Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations Profiles)

Date: 31st May 2013

Time – 10am to 5pm

Venue Partner:

Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute Of Management Studies And Research (VESIMSR)

Address: 495/497, Collector’s Colony, Wadivali Village, Chembur Mumbai 400074. (

Way to reach the college is by getting down at Kurla station, take an auto to Chembur VESIMSR – Rs. 25 to Rs. 30



Admissions in progress for PGDM and MMS courses @VESIMSR Chembur, contact – +9122 65272711




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