Seminar on MBA ROCKS!

0 on 20th February and 6th March had organized seminars with BMS students coming from various colleges to meet with Professor Deepak Gandhi (ex-dean of IIM Shillong). The topics discussed were
-Doing an MBA abroad compared to doing it in India.
-What are the benefits of doing a MBA in India and Abroad.
-What are the costs of doing an MBA abroad and so on and so forth.

Student Reviews

1. Shrikant Wagh, Sterling College


When I read about the MBA seminar of University of Canada West on, first thing that came to my mind was that it’s going to be the same seminar where one paid representative comes & starts an abyss in such a way that the particular institute or university is the most accomplished & how it will make one an acme if they choose their “product”, I know you must be thinking why I said it as product? It’s because for the consultants it’s nothing but a product.

But this seminar turned out completely unexpected. We were quite early so we were the first one to enter the seminar location. The moment we entered we were offered juice, I said to myself it’s going the same way as I expected but what I didn’t expect that was the person who offered me is Rashmi Bansal if still you are wondering where have you heard this name then you must know she’s the author of the Book Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, Connect The Dots. And then was another shock & then a nervous moment there was another person who started talking to us very casually, after 2 mins I came to know that it was Professor. Deepak Gandhi who is 1st Ex-Dean of IIM Shillong, 30 years of experience for teaching FMS & I can go on and on.

After about 15 mins, almost 15 people came. And we were on our way to begin with the seminar, I was hoping that just like any other consultants out there they will start the session by a ppt about their product, but professor started  by asking us what is our goal & if we are sure of wanting to do MBA then what are our assumptions & our queries. I frankly didn’t expect it but was also happy at the same time. Sir asked each one for their doubts and queries and wrote them down on board & answered all of the questions so nicely that all the queries seemed so irrelevant so to speak. Rashmi Madam was also giving all the important inputs as she felt were necessary at any particular time & also “D” he was assisting sir. In complete seminar neither Prof. nor D or even Rasmi M’am did any gimmick about the University Of Canada West which was the best part, I’ve got all my answers about MBA.

Overall when the seminar ended, we all were completely satisfied & we were clear for all our doubts, the guidance was really helpful for me I hope those who will attend the seminar next time around will get the same satisfaction that I feel. And the best part of it is, it’s free so please guys do register as soon as possible, you will be benefited for sure!

2. Saumya Iyer, Sterling College Seminar on MBA A WORTHY GUIDANCE

There was a seminar held on Sunday by in Churchgate near Nirmala niketan college. It was for the students wishing to study their masters abroad. The main speaker was Prof. Deepak Gandhi and also Rashmi Bansal and ‘D’ were present there along with Professor Gandhi.

Very first I would like to mention about Prof. Deepak Gandhi. The more is said about him it is less. He has had an experience of 30 years for teaching in FMS, he was the Dean of IIM Shillong and on and on. Being such a respectable and dignified person, he was very friendly with the students present in the seminar. Next turn comes of Rashmi Bansal. She is the famous author of books namely, “STAY HUNGRY STAY FOOLISH”, “CONNECT THE DOTS” and there is one more book of hers that is going to be released around the mid of this year. And, last but not least ’D’. He is a colleague of Prof. Gandhi and also was an ex-student of the University Canada West.

This seminar was basically a guideline session for the students aspiring to do their masters abroad. There were around 15 students present in the seminar and the most surprising part of the seminar was that all the students were served refreshments by Prof. Gandhi and ‘D’ themselves. The students asked their doubts regarding doing masters from abroad, doing it from India and so on. These questions were answered very effectively by all of them.

Hearing about this seminar the first thing that came to my mind was that this must be a consultancy agency promoting some college or university. But to my surprise I was proved totally wrong. Prof. Gandhi, ‘D’ and Rashmi Bansal neither of the three boasted about the University Canada West. It was a complete broad and common seminar focusing upon all the important universities. I had a wonderful experience overall and definitely I was happy that I spent my Sunday in such an effective manner. I would recommend that if in the near future there is a chance of attending such a seminar then you must not let go off the opportunity. So keep your eyes and ears open students, there may be one such experience standing at your doorstep!!!

3. Swarupa Hiwalkar, N.G. Acharya College


Hello, I would like to share an experience of 6th march, 2011. The Seminar was basically for the students interested in doing MBA and proper guidelines were given for the same. The group of people who attended the seminar were from different colleges, like N.G.ACHARYA,SIES, etc. The speakers gave enough idea of WHAT AN MBA IS MADE UP OF, WHAT ARE THE SUBJECTS, THE TIME REQUIRED TO DO MBA, THE FEES REQUIRED FOR MBA, and WHICH ARE THE BEST UNIVERSITIES TO COMPLETE THE COURSE AND DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DOING MBA FROM INDIA AND ABROAD. This helped us a lot in understanding about the course for which we are looking forward and hope we always attend such seminars and gain most of it.

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