BMS College Review Contest June 2013!

0 proudly presents the BMS College Review Contest June 2013!

From the previous writing Contest, has published over 100 articles submitted by 40+ BMS colleges students on “My favorite Professor”!

In this writing contest, invites  all BMS students and Alumni to participate in the BMS College Review Contest.


What is in it for you?

You get an opportunity to build your online profile through an author id which gets displayed below your article. It helps to build a brand and name for yourself and an opportunity to get featured on one of the exclusive BMS students portal.



Winner to get:

1) Cash prize of Rs. 1000/-

2) Book “Academic Excellence: The Start of the Learning Revolution” by author and youth empowerment speaker Abhishek Shetty

3) Discount Vouchers

4) Winner’s Certificate (Hard copy)


Results Announcement: 5th  July 2013


To participate in the contest, follow the below steps:

1. Send in your articles at  [email protected]  by 25th June 2013.

2. In the Email Subject line, please follow the following:

Email Subject line: “Your Name _ Institute Name _ Article Title”

3. Send in your articles in .doc/.docx format with font size 11 (Times New Roman). Maximum word limit 500 words.

4. File Name: Your Name_Institute Name_Article Title

5. DO NOT send copyright articles or copied content. Any entry found copied/plagiarised would be disqualified.


Topics to be covered in the review:

  • Location, Infrastructure and Ambience
  • Canteen, Hangout places
  • Faculty, Teaching style, Attendance, Fees
  • Crowd and college decorum
  • Placement
  • Festivals and extra-curicular activities


IMPORTANT: All the articles should be strictly original and free from any kind of plagiarism. Please do not send an article which is already published elsewhere; for example in another magazine or in any blog etc. The article, even if yours, should not be active on any other URL on the web.


The list of Top Twenty Articles would also be announced apart from winning article which will be given Soft Copy of Certificate of Appreciation. All the articles will be published on and will be given author acknowledgement.


 Prize Partner:



Techaloo is a platform to foster entrepreneurship in Indian colleges. It provides necessary tools and motivation through various articles, posts, competitions and free online courses.


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We, at, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. We are here to provide and update you with every details required by you BMSites! If you want to join us, please mail to [email protected].


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