BMS course fees to go up by 5k-6k


Inflation has not spared even the students.

The University of Mumbai — which caters to 6.5 lakh students of Mumbai, Thane, Raigad, Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri — has proposed a steep hike in fees of under-graduate courses.

The proposal will need the academic and management council’s nod which will be sought next month. The hike is likely to be imposed from 2012-13. If it happens, then college students would have to pay the difference.


The fee of self-financing courses (which costs Rs15,000 to Rs28,000) like computer science, IT, Biotech, BBI, BMS, BMM, BAF and BFM will go up by Rs5,000-Rs6,000. Re-exam fee is Rs. 100 per subject now.


The report says, “The expenditure in the last four years on utilities such as furniture, computer library, lab, exams and building maintenance has gone up. For teachers to be paid under the Sixth Pay Commission, corresponding tuition fees are required to be charged from students of unaided colleges/divisions and self-financing courses.”

Colleges collect fees in June-July, the beginning of the session. If the proposal gets a nod, students will have to pay the difference.
Source: DNA

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