BMS graduates are more interested in salary and jobs rather than BMS as a course


I think this is a controversial statement which says BMS graduates are interested in salary and jobs and not BMS as a course.

I think this is a controversial statement which says BMS graduates are interested in salary and jobs and not BMS as a course.

I think yes at sometimes because it’s a well known and reputed course which if done then the person gets a good salary and has an edge over other BCOM graduates. Thus, he doesn’t see BMS as a course or something which will increase his knowledge but considers it as a money- making tool.

But there are also some students who just want to do BMS as it may be their passion or they would love to do it.

Example– A student may be really interested in HR field or Marketing field or let’s say Management itself. Hence, he may take up the course for learning and knowing more about management and how it works! As BMS is more projects-oriented giving practical training of how an organization works and corporate scenario, this may interest a student to learn new innovative concepts and develop himself to be a leader or a future manager. He may learn the course as he wants to see himself to work as a CEO or Manager of a company and not for the sake of earning money. Hence, money and knowledge goes hand-in-hand.

Therefore, I can conclude that it totally depends on the person’s perception, views, ideas and thinking which leads him her to be in the course for just money or passion because I think many people know very well that “happiness leads to more efficiency” and there is a thing called “job satisfaction and inner peace” which leads you to the top or which lead you nowhere so it totally depends on person.

So I think just making the statement that BMS graduate only see money that may b a absurd assumption.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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