1) A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge
Answer: Option A
2) Diamond is an allotropic form of
Answer: Option B
3)Introducing a boy, a girl said, “He is the son of the daughter of the father of my uncle.” How is the boy related to the girl?
Answer: Option A
The father of the boy’s uncle → the grandfather of the boy and daughter of the grandfather → sister of father.
A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the centre. A and P are at the ends. R is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right of P ?
Answer: Option B
GD Topic:-
World without Facebook. Give your views
1) Mable says…“this sentence itself would send many of them shivers there spine! this much has been the impact of facebook in last 3-4 Years of its sudden emergence!.
Though there been been rumors that facebook would shut down on 10th March 2012, as reported by some news site which even quoted Zukerberg’s sentence as “Facebook has been a huge success for me,and i m loving my every moment with facebook and because of facebook i have build a successful professional carrer but i also have my Personal life to see upon and because of facebook i am not able to dedicate time to my personal matters and this has stressed me a lot so for this very reason i would have to shut down facebook sonner then latter”
there was also news that facebok would be brought down groupanon in wake of Facebook’s faulty privacy!
Though this was a false quote as one of the spoke person of facebook told on Facebook’s official page.
To measure the level to which facebook has been spread can be checkout with this only one sentence
Population in 1600Ad was less then the population of facebook now ….”
2) Mohit kala says…
“””World without facebook is now like a food without salt “”
It’s hard to think of a world without Facebook now that nearly everyone in the world knows what it is. It’s at the forefront of how we communicate with friends from all over the world. Even though many complain about how crap it is, everyone always goes back to it because their friends are on it, it’s become an addiction for many.
world without facebook
*Entertainment and News channels would suffer
*Companies would lose a detrimental cost due to loss of advertising
Facebook just disappeared one day you would lose a lot, if you didn’t store times, dates and photos. And this is where I truly believe that the simple function of the elevator shows what our society has become, why is it that you can be having a full flowed conversation with a friend and then as soon as you enter a elevator with a few people…silence. This theory as of course been discussed many times. I truly believe the society we live in today is so socially secluded and uncomfortable because we are so used to networking online, texting, tweeting and making statuses. We are very used to our personal space more than ever before. So if we took away social networking would we be able to adjust to reversing the social conditioning and actually make the extra effort to contact someone. We could think even more hypothetically and took away texts and emails…”
3)Tapan says…
“My God unbelivable just cant imagine World with out fb if such would be then would not be here writing 😛 Life would be very simple as it use to be and boring but would be able to give time to people by meeting then physicaly which is more better than chating on fb
4)Nimesh Shah says…
“First thought (immediately on reading ‘World without Facebook) – I think trying to imagine this is like trying to recollect something that u have never seen!
Second thoughts (after thinking calmly) – In my opinion, people can live without Facebook. I mean, there are still lots of social media sites out there which offer the same activities with that of Facebook. It’s just that the said site is one of the most popular social media sites nowadays, I guess that’s why people think of it as a necessity to have their own account there!
People will go back to their ‘Orkut’ days and probably find some other medium to communicate, share and stay connected!
No worries! ;)”
Winner for BMS Gyaani Contest 19th April 2013 is Nimesh Shah with all right answers and best GD among others