BMS Ko Bol Dunga: Chamchagiri to teachers is directly proportional to your internal marks.


bms ko bol dunga

‘BMS Ko Bol Dunga’ is bombarded with complaints and one very common complaint that stood out is against faculty members, especially in new or small colleges. Since the number of students in these colleges is less, the teachers tend to know each student very personally and that is where the problems come up.

Not all students are capable of fawning behind their teachers. Some of them do believe in acting normally just like students are supposed to, work hard and gain marks in exams. Unfortunately for the teachers such students will never be in their good books, even if they work extremely hard.

The ones who follow them around, flatter them and sweet talk with them are obviously their favorites. But this favoritism, when takes over the ability of a student in scoring marks in their internal exams becomes a huge problem.

Many students even though they work hard don’t receive good marks in their exams causing their grades and total marks to fall and if this happens during your last year than the impact comes directly on the students career.

Why do faculty members in return for small acts of flattery play with careers of hard working students?It’s high time faculty members realized that students respect you a lot and this commanded respect will last only by fair deeds and not by demanding it by unfair means.

BMS ko bol diya humne tumhare issue ke pol ko khol diya! Like all the students who shared this complaint if you want a change from this problem but can’t afford to have your name put up because you feel things will backfire, then the simplest option is that you ensure you share this article and pass it on to your faculty member or members who you feel does the same.

They will go through this and realize automatically where things are going wrong! And while that happens you can start following these tips and speed up the impact you wanted.

TOP 7 amazing tips to get into the good books of your teachers and increase your internal marks:


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.

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