BMS Photography Contest (Indian Culture) Winners


Every week we organize a Online Photography Contest on the Official Fanpage of inviting entries from BMS students across all BMS colleges to showcase the photographs that reveal their talent.

The theme for the Photo Contest was : Indian Culture. Contest was held between 14th January 2013 to 20th January 2013.

We received 38 Entries for this contest which can be checked at: BMS Photography Contest Entries

Out of which 3 were selected as Winners on the basis of

  • Facebook Likes and
  • Judge’s (Harshal N Shroff – who is a A professional Freelance photographer with interests in travel, Portraiture, Fashion and Weddings) decision which was taken on the criteria of efforts to compose, message of the picture and editing done


1. Contest Entry of Krunal P. Mulye, Patuck Gala College



The entry got 128 likes and the caption was “Sweetness of Prasad”.

Judge’s Comment:
The photographer here has made an effort to compose the picture and use the ‘out of focus’ to balance the image with the subject being noticed. Also the colors in the image stands out.

2. Contest Entry of Pratik M. Shah, Khar Education Society College

The entry got 515 likes and the caption was “Dandiya Raas(Garba Raas) is a form of dance that originated in the Gujarat region of India. Both men and women usually wear colorful costumes while performing garba and dandiya”.


Judge’s Comment:
The picture stands out due to the sheer cuteness of the subject. In terms of compositions it is a very tight one and restricts the users eye. Also the use of black vignette makes the pic a bit dull.

3.Contest Entry of Shruti Gaonkar, Patkar College

The entry got 185 likes and the caption was “Andharatun hi Prakashmai Bappa…”

Judge’s Comment: 
The lighting in this is spectacular. Could have been better with some crops.



Winners would be contacted for Certificates and Discount Vouchers worth Rs. 1300/-via mails.



Regards, Team

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