This project is an extensive research on the marketing strategies of the two Cola giants Pepsi and Coca Cola. It covers an extensive survey and depicts all graphs, fact and figures of two companies. It begins with the introduction of soft drink industry and introduction of these two companies of soft drink industry. It covers some of the major strategies adopted by Pepsi and Coca-Cola like their pricing policy, sales promotion and advertising policy, distribution policy etc. The project has been made interesting with the inclusion of the topics, which covers the 4P’s of marketing.
The major players in the soft drink industry in India are Coke and Pepsi. Pepsi holds the major market share followed by Coke. They have a cut throat competition between themselves. Whatever strategy is followed by one company, it is copied by the other.
Sample of two brands were selected on the basis of their uses and noticeciability.
One of the selected brands is NO1 brand in their respective product categories the other one brand is close competitor of the No 1 brands. Total sample of size of 10 respondents selected on the basic of convenience was surveyed which include consumers.
Data was collected from secondary as well as primary sources. Structure questionnaire was use to collect primary data.
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