TYBMS Exam Results 2015 Declared?




Hello TYBMSites,

On Friday night at around 9pm, I received a message that was getting circulated very fast on Whatsapp groups and among my friend circles. The message read:

TYBMS Mumbai Results has been announced. Please check this site : www.tinyurl.com/result-w14. I got A grade.

When I opened the link, this is what I saw:

babaji ka thullu

Oh! Wait a minute, I didn’t intend to prank you. :p


Jokes apart, you will get the exact details of the TYBMS Sem 5 CBSGS results at BMS.co.in. For the time being, you can check the below links:

When Are TYBMS Sem 5 CBSGS Results of November 2014 Exams?

TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS Revaluation Results declared on 19th December 2014


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  1. The results of TYBMS sem 6 CGBGS ATKT which occured in Nov 2014 was supposed to be declared on 15 Jan 2015 and its still not declared. Do anybody have any idea when its going to be disclosed?

  2. becoz of delay in university results …. my admission in mba gets delay and wasted my 1yr …hopeless university..

    called in university more than 100 times…disgusting it was….

  3. Tybms atkt result has out..? i hve cheak my result and whole series of roll no it showing failed i mean how culd this possible each and every student can fail

  4. i had appear for tybms 6th sem atkt examz (old/revised) in nov 2014……i wanted to know are the results out . I am not able to generate results online neither from other sources. if anyone could help me ????

  5. plz suggest the approx date so we can be tension free till that as we r checking for the results daily on university site for 6th sem exam result which occured in NOV 14

  6. Don’t you have any updates regarding TYBmS sem 6 2015 results….nd why dont u all update the page of results…it is the same since last year

  7. can you give us expected date of sem 6 results, as in the month, may be July or august, coz my MBA admission is on hold due to the marksheet of sem 6

  8. Dear Sir/Madame,
    Please. please let me know that the results will be before 15 July or after 15 July.
    Please Itz very urgent, let me know as early as possible

  9. this is high time!! Mumbai university have not declared the result for sem 6 and here the admission process has started now how am i supposed to take admission!! Atleast declare the result on time or shud hav delayed the admission process. I would lose a year if result is not declared in time! Calling mu is also of no use no one receives the call… pathetic!

      1. The college i m willing to get in doesnt provide this facility since i got through cap round i had to pay the entire fees without knowing my result!

  10. I saw my results for tybms 6 th sem kt 60-40
    And it showed that it is passed and written that it is held in reserve as lower examination not cleared
    Wat this means I hav cleared 6th sem or no
    Plz plz plz reply asap

  11. Seat no for kt exams and cross kt exams may be same or wat
    Like my cross kt seat no is 11121 and will this seat no b issued for any other student for kt exam
    Plz rply asap

  12. why is it taking so long? and if it was to be this long then they sudden have gotten the students hopes high about the results by giving dates and all. this is so unprofessional of Mumbai University.

  13. Mumbai university is realy very irresponsible… Last date of taking admision in MBA or MMs is 15 july sir whene ur going to announce the tym bms 6th sem results

  14. I have one doubt. I had secured A grade in all my Sems. But shockingly I got B grade in sem 6 yesterday. although all my papers were brilliant. It is the first time I am facing this embarassmet.I am one of the scholar of my class.
    P.S – Is there a possibility that MU has some mistake ,will the grade can be upheld, I am worried and I wanted to know if this mistake can be rectified anyhow. Please suggest.

    1. Dear Anas, yes many college students have received errors in their results, so we request you to please have patience and wait for consolidated marksheet to arrive in your college.

  15. i have cleared in my revaluation in the 5th semester even then its showng 0 cgpa in my overall marksheet can u guide on how to go bout it corrected because my college is not showing any interest in it whartsoever

    1. Dear Karen,
      As per sources, you need to get a letter from the college on its letterhead, duly signed by the authorities about the correction and submit the marksheet to the university’s kalina campus. The university sends the corrected marksheet to the college in 2-3 months.
      You can as well contact MU and confirm the procedure once again: Kalina Campus: 26543000 / 26543300.

  16. Respected sir/madam,
    When are the revaluation result nd atkt exam dates are going to declare…???
    Sem 6 exam held in nov-14..???
    Plzzz help me out..??

  17. hey is marklist for results of sem v nov 2015 will be updated on site? What is the procedure for rechecking and how time it takes or its better to give kt exams?

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