1. What are Trade Barriers and explain in detail various forms of Trade Barriers. (Rph-35,36)
2. Explain the functions and achievements of WTO in today’s scenario.
3. Enumerate essentials of good Packaging. (Rph-90)
4. What is meant by overseas distribution channels? State the distribution channels available for exporting. (Rph-102,104)
5. What do you understand by International marketing? Explain its features. (Rph-2,7)
6. Explain positive and negative effects of trading blocs in International Marketing. (Rph-46)
7. Discuss the role of Multinational (MNCs) in International Trade with example. (Rph-64)
8. Justify the increasing emphasis on packing of goods for International marketing.
9. Factors Influencing selection of Distribution Channels (Rph-106)
10. Explain International marketing and its advantage. (Rph-2,11)
11. What are the factors for package design in International Markets?
12. Write the role of non-price factors in pricing decision in International Markets. (Rph-115)
13. What are the constraints in entering global markets? (Rph-204)
14. What is International Business Environment? Explain in brief, the external factors affecting the International Business Environment.
15. Explain the role of Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) in International Marketing. (Rph-92)
16. As a manager what factors will you consider to determine price (Rph-114)
17. What are the basis for segmentation? (Rph-209)
18. Export Pricing Strategies (Rph-132)
19. Merits & Demerits Of MNC’s (Rph-66,67)
• Rishabh Publication House (4th Edition)