BMS Sem 6 Question Banks : 35 International Marketing Concept Questions


1) Basis of International Trade.

2) Ricardian theory of comparative costs.

3) Factor proportions theory

4) Skills Theory.

5) Objectives of trade barriers.

6) Types of tariffs.

7) Types of Quotas

8) Quota system.

9) Packaging functions.

10) Package design factors.

11) Export packing criteria.

12) Export Marking.

13) Marking features.

14) Overseas distribution channels.

15) Types of foreign intermediaries.

16) Marginal cost pricing.

17) Dumping.

18) Retrograde pricing.

19) Pricing policy factors.

20) Skimming pricing strategy.

21) Penetration pricing strategy.

22) Differential pricing strategy.

23) Probe pricing strategy.

24) Incoterms.

25) DEPB scheme.

26) MDS.

27) IRMAC Scheme.

28) Identifying foreign markets.

29) Global territories entry constraints.

30) Basis for segmentation.

31) Contract Manufacturing

32) Licensing.

33) Turnkey Contracts.

34) Joint Venture.

35) Greenfield Strategy.

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