BMS Semester III Weekly Test Timetable 2015 of Vidyalankar College


Does your college take a weekly test? Have you enrolled in any coaching class? Well, for all those extra-studious BMSites out there, do you want to know how you can schedule your Semester 3 preparation by taking weekly tests? We came across a weekly test timetable of a particular college and we are sharing it here so that you can take inspiration from the same and schedule your studies accordingly.

Here we present BMS Semester III Weekly Test Timetable 2015 of Vidyalankar College:


Day – Monday

Time – 12.40pm to 1.30pm

  • Organization Behaviour and HRM – 6/7/2015
  • Managerial Economics II – 13/7/2015
  • Accounting for Managerial Decisions – 20/7/2015
  • Principles of Marketing – 27/7/2015
  • Basics of Financial Services / Consumer Behaviour / Recruitment and Selection – 10/8/2015
  • Corporate Finance / Strategic Management / Motivation and Leadership – 17/8/2015

Important note:

One weekly test in each subject will be conducted in a semester.

Test will be conducted for 20 marks and 50 minutes duration.

A weekly test would have 2 components:

1) Answer the following in one sentence – 5 questions – all questions are compulsory – Each question carries 1 mark i.e total 5 marks

2) Answer in short the following (any 3 out of 5) – each question carries 5 marks i.e. total 15 marks.

The components of internal assessment for each subject are:


1) Weekly test – 20 marks (Scaled down to 10 marks)

2) Midterm Test – 20 marks (Scaled down to 10 marks)

3) Overall conduct plus assignment – 05 marks

Total – 25 marks

Passing standards – 10 marks.

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