BMS Semester V Weekly Test Timetable 2015 of Vidyalankar College



Looking for some ideas of how you can prepare for Semester 5? Well you can check the below weekly test timetable of a particular college and plan out the Sem 5 subjects preparation accordingly.

Here we present BMS Semester V Weekly Test Timetable 2015 of Vidyalankar College:

Day – Monday

Time – 12.40pm to 1.30pm

  1. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility – 6/7/2015
  2. Financial Management – 13/7/2015
  3. Elements of Logistics and Supply Chain management – 20/7/2015
  4. Service Sector Management – 27/7/2015
  5. Human Resource Management – 10/8/2015
  6. Special Studies in Marketing or Special Studies in Finance or E-Commerce – 17/8/2015


Important Note:

One weekly test in each subject will be conducted in a semester.

Test will be conducted for 20 marks and 50 mins duration.

A weekly test would have 2 components:

1- Answer the following in one sentence – 5 questions – all questions will be compulsory – each question carries 1 mark i.e. total 5 marks

2 – Answer in short the following – any 3 out of 5 – each question carries 5 marks i.e. total 15 marks.

The components of internal assessment for each subject are:


i) Weekly test – 20 marks (Scaled down to 10 marks)

ii) Midterm test – 20 marks (Scaled down to 10 marks)

iii) Overall conduct plus Assignment – 05 marks

Total – 25 marks

Passing standards – 10 marks

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