BMS Students Enroll In Coaching Classes To Understand Mumbai University’s Latest Decisions


{Disclaimer: Stories in this section are works of fiction intended to bring a smile to your face. They bear no connection to events and characters in real life.}


Mumbai University has announced that BMS students who apply for revaluation will get their corrected marksheets within 15 days after the revaluation results displayed on the university website. Also the university has taken the initiative to issue migration and eligibility certificates online within 10 days after applying online. Apart from this, the university is also planning to scrap the ATKT system and promote BMS students.

You may want to read: BMS Students Feeling Ditched And Plan To Cancel Admissions In Mumbai University


Not used to such Students supportive decisions from Mumbai University and even otherwise anything really that beneficial for the welfare of the students community, BMS students have enrolled themselves in coaching classes to understand the meaning of the recent decisions from the university.

Unable to get the gist of what the university is upto, BMS students have got confused after they read the recent media reports about Mumbai University ensuring that the academic year of BMS students is not going to be wasted henceforth. While some continue to still consider those reports as fake and hyped for attracting more students, others could sense the feeling that something was amiss.

“First we thought the university forgot that the current month is June and not April (read: April fool jokes),” said a BMS student, “I mean we aren’t used to such style of decisions from the university. At best we can understand wrong exam centres, multiple paper leaks on whatsapp, confusion of dates due to exams postponement, delay in results, maximum students getting ATKT and other decisions in such formats”.  

You may also want to read: 5 Best Goof-Ups of Mumbai University in 2013


“We realized the university is working on something sensible, when the decisions came back to back this month, and infact immediately created a Whatsapp group to chat and see if anyone among us understood what university wants to convey,” confessed “MU Ke Karname” group admin.

“For us, those decisions were nothing less than getting 100/100 marks in Mathematics paper even after attempting all sums wrong,” she went on to claim, before leaving for her class.

However, after the class, not all BMS students were amused by what the university had to convey.

“This is ridiculous. After devoting 2 years of my life in covering the bizarre stories of the university on ‘Mumbai University Trolls’ fanpage and dedicating 3 to 4 hours in creating new trolls everyday, this is what I get for my services,” said a BMS student who is now considering switching to Delhi University for his third year studies.


“Other universities atleast torture students in a better way by scrapping BMS course during the mid of the academic year and confusing the students whether to study or not by converting the duration of course at the end moment. Unlike Mumbai University, I am sure they have lot of new ideas that will make us believe that the current education system is absurd and help us undergo extreme stress and emotional atyachar at young age, ” he added.

You may also want to read: Delhi University Scraps BMS Course and Instead Offers 3 Courses – B.A., BBE & BBS



{Disclaimer: Stories in this section are works of fiction intended to bring a smile to your face. They bear no connection to events and characters in real life.}


P.S. We completely support BMS students and respect Mumbai University and this section of articles is fictitious, intended to entertain the readers, to be considered as a spoof or parody and not to be taken seriously or as fact.  

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