BMS Syllabus Changes – The Good, Bad and Ugly


A recent HindustanTimes article has stirred controversy surrounding the New BMS syllabus changes.

The university officials have tried to standardise the course and remove any irregularities or ambiguities in the manner a student is marked or evaluated for his contributions and learnings in the course. While their efforts to remove ambiguity needs to be applauded, they seem to have forgotten that the application based project reports differentiated the course from a regular B.Com

What’s Good about the new syllabus?

  • Ambiguity surrounding how students are evaluated will diminish.
  • 100 marks assignment with on-field research in third year will make students industry ready.

What’s Bad about the new syllabus?

  • Without project reports, the BMS course becomes just a more expensive
  • The new syllabus offers several electives however only a handful colleges will be able to offer 2 or more specialisation.
  • Internal assessment structure is lifeless.
  • BMS course becomes another rote learning course with little to no practical exposure.
Hindustan Times article on New BMS Syllabus.

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