BMS’ites react to the scaling down of internal marks


Mumbai University has passed an ordinance wherein students scoring 20% higher marks in internal assessments than in external exams will have the ‘excess’ marks cut from their semester results. A circular was sent to all colleges early this week.

The regulation will come into force in the current academic year itself.

What’s your views on scaling down of internal marks?


Sonia Kadam:

Sonia Kadam : Absolutely unfair. TYBMS students have their papers corrected by unknown faculty. At times, they even tend to score less as a result of sheer bad luck. Bringing down their internal marks just because they exceed their external marks will only leave them demotivated further on. Ironic how our university has all the free time in the world to come up with such nonsensical rules and regulations. My college has even introduced a 7th subject to be studied in the 6th semester all-together, just so that the university could round up our grand total. No wonder the reputation of MU has considerably gone down over the recent years.


Prashant Jadhav Max Dats great steps by MU.. Hopefully justice on both the ends (for them woh study and them have not study just attempt an exams). As a students it hurts but when i look it as the BMS Students it is a fairly ethical steps..


Aditya Krishnamurthy Thats the most lame rule one could ever come up with…Just cant understand as to how they plan on being just with that decision… If MU is wanting to make a mark/ establish a stand amongst other universities, they indeed have to rev up and make better rational decisions… FU>>>MU


Chezan Vandrewala This rule will prove nothing but a DISASTER whose scars will be for all life long!!!
I jst dont get dat how can dey establish a direct relationship btw internal &externals….how can they jst reduce scores if a student who is unwell or finding paper tough in externals & so not able to score well in it….


Suraj Rane It’s un fair..there is an change in paper pattern n this scaling down of internal marks….n there is an lot of assignment in the clg the 5yr paper solution etc has to b submit in clg…we r not getting time fr study also….plzz dont do this….


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