BMW X5 Launched At INR 70.9 Lakh





BMW launched the all new German luxury car from the X series, locally produced SUV, X5xDrvie, at INR 70.9 lakh ex-showroom.

The 3-litre diesel SUV was unveiled by the God of cricket Sachin Tendulkar, who is also BMW India’s brand ambassador. The master blaster said he has been using the first generation X5 since 2002.

Rolled out from its Chennai plant, the all new X5xDrive30d, is around Rs. 10 lakh cheaper than the previous imported models. The all new X5 will be available at all the 38 dealers of BMW from next month, BMW Group India President Philipp von Sahr told reporter at the launch. India is the fourth market after the US, Russia, Thailand and Malaysia where BMW rolls out the X series. The new X5 delivers better comfort and enhanced driving pleasure, increased space efficiency, luxury, and innovative equipment features.

After being the market leader in India in the luxury car space for three years continuously, BMW lost its market leadership to two other German rivals who are the late entrant Audi and Mercedes Benz in recent years. In fact, Audi has been so successful that it has even pushed Mercedes to the second slot last year.

About : The BMW (Bavarian Motor Works) Group has three brands in the country the BMW, the MINI and the Rolls-Royce, and has so far invested Rs 390 crore (51.8 million Euros) in the Chennai plant, which has an installed capacity of 13,000 units per annum, which Sahr said is being ramped up to 17,000 units shortly.

–          By Anand Thakkar


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