How to make a career in Bollywood?



Ever dreamt of  becoming a superstar? Why not? After all, every one is thirsty of fame and stardom. But do you have what it takes to be a superstar? If you think saying few lines in front of a camera or just making bold expressions on screen is enough, you are probably misunderstood. It takes a lot more than just acting to become a perfect actor as well as a complete public figure. The life of a superstar isn’t easy. Infact its terrible. They wake up before sun, and sleep after the world is already in dreams. They have a diet to maintain, and a figurine to show up. They have a task to cope up with, and many responsibilities to manage. They have a shoot to work upon, and many conflicts to solve upon. They have the fans to impress, and many haters to deal with. Even after all this, they have a family to be with, and a fraternity to keep friends with. Its never easy to be a superstar, nor is it sounding to actually be so. The grass is always greener on the other side.

The actors or actresses have to undergo many a long list of requirements beforehand just to get a tick over a audition. They really have to strive hard to get a role of a less then a minute which may not even guarantee your footage in the seen. Even the lads of renowned actors now have to go through many ups and downs before they get their first break through. Then just imagine the tuff and turf a complete newbie has to go through just to get his first script for a film.

Requirements to make a sucessful career in Bollywood:

1. You should be a good looking. (Seriously!)

This is an obvious requirement. Its sad to hear that even in a country like India, good looks get you through easily than other attributes. Glamor sells in India. People are lured to see attractive postures and elegant skin. This is the practicality of the people.

2.  You should know how to act. (But if you are good looking, this may or may not be considered.)

Ofcourse, to be an actor means to know how to act. The word ‘actor’ itself states that. For a person to before a great actor, he or she should be a master when it comes to acting and must have great presence of timing and chemistry. All this together make you a good stand up artist.

3. You should have a good hold over the language and be fluent in Hindi and English. (Unless you are good looking, if so, dubbing artist may help you!)

Words matter! So does the language you use in your movies. It can make or break the personality of your character. How many of us can forget ‘Hai’ of Big B or ‘K…….Kiran’ of Shahrukh? If you can impress the people with your sweet accent along with anticipating jestures, this is the job you are looking for.

4. You should give many auditions. (Except you are good looking or you are relative of an existing public personality.)

Opportunity just comes at the door once. But other times, you yourself can walk towards it! Don’t sit idle at home, waiting for a call from a studio. Pull up your socks and go to as many studios as you can and audition your flair over there.

5. You should be a master at dance. (Good looks can save you here as well, don’t worry.)

Its for sure that in a country where we have dancing legends like  Prabhu Deva, Hrithik Roshan and Shiamak Davar, dancing will be a key factor while may lead to a successful cinematic career. Trust me, there are people who just go to theaters to watch dance and songs.

6. Be friendly to everyone, make as much contacts as you can. (Unless you are good looking, as then others will themselves ask for you contact number.)

One of the important characteristics of a good personality is social belonging. Try to increase your phone book with as many people of the fraternity as you can. Even friendship lends you job in this case.

7. Exercise regularly, be fit and maintain your figure. (Sorry good looking people, you will have to work upon with atleast this space.)

A well toned body fetches you a bonus point over others, you may have a face full of charisma, you can dance like blazing guns, you may have a sweet tongue, but if your body posture is disturbed, all that goes directly in vain. So don’t be lazy, make some effort and sweat out at your nearest gym.

8. Choose your scripts wisely. (Again! If you are good looking, don’t worry. Your film will apparently be a hit as audiences generally attend the movies just to get a glance of you.)

What will be the use if you end up taking a bad script and a bad review is stamped at you by critics and your viewers? As we know first impression is the last impression. Choose the script which is practical, which reckons you the best and which will let you break the ice and shatter the contemporaries.

Some other important notes which you may take care of-

  • Make sure your hair is attractive as it will help you make a good face.
  • Just check you have no pimples and dark spots, otherwise you won’t be termed as good looking.
  • Apply lotions and creams over the body so it remains smooth and your looks don’t get shabby.
  • Apply makeup when ever you feel your looks are getting off.
  • Just ensure every fifteen minutes that your face is apt.
  • Just make sure you are good looking.


So what did we learn today!

Q.  Is it easy to make a career in Bollywood?

A. It is very difficult to make a career in bollywood, you have to work really hard to get a breakthrough in movies. (Unless you are good looking.)


-Parth Dedhia

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Kabeer Rath


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