Bollywood movies at Oscars



Oscar or the Annual Academy awards is an American annual academy awards honoring cinematic achievements in the film industry. It was first started in 1929 at the Hollywood, Roosevelt Hotel. It is an oldest entertainment awards ceremony & is also considered as the highest recognition in the film industry.


Bollywood an Indian Film industry that started in the year 1913 by Dadasaheb Phalke releasing Bollywood’s silent film Raja Harish Chandra. Which has grown to multi billion dollars film industry releasing about 300 films a year. And till now Bollywood is not able hold this prestigious award. India especially Bollywood has submitted more than 30 movies at the Oscars for the Best Foreign language category (This award is given to a feature-length motion picture produced outside United States that contains primarily non-Englishdialogue).


India has first officially submitted “Mother India” movie in the year 1957, a year after incorporation of the category & this film was chosen by Film Federation of India (FFI) who chooses the film & along with English subtitles are sent to the Oscars where it is chosen by the jury. “Mother India” was shortlisted for & was nominated along with four different films but it lost to “nights of Cabiria” by a single vote. And after that India has consequently sent the films to the Oscars but didn’t won it. In 2003 FFI controversially choose not to make entry to the Oscars as they felt no film is in the position to compete with other nations.


As of 2013 only three films has been nominated to the Oscars- “Mother India”, ”Salaam Bombay”, “Lagaan”& none of them won any award at the Oscar. Hope one day India will also won this prestigious academy award.


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Ayesha Patel


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