Book & Movie Review : A Walk to Remember


A Walk to Remember

‘A Walk to Remember’ is a teen romantic fiction written by Nicholas Sparks, the novel revolves around the love story of two young minds coming from totally different lifestyles who fall in love with each other. Even though among them one life came to an end, their love lasted beyond death. The story depicts how love can change and transform a person into a better human being.

Landon Carter belonged to a rich family and to a group of popular students of his school. He lived his life to the fullest and never bothered about anyone. On the other hand Jamie Sullivan was exactly opposite to him, she was a reverend’s daughter and she dedicated most of her time helping others in need, reading the bible and in service of God. She always believed that God has some bigger plan. She was a simple girl unlike other girls, always wore a smile on her face in any situation. Jamie was isolated in her school, nobody ever wished to talk to her, at the same time she never bothered about what people thought about her.

A Walk to Remember

Landon’s father wanted him to be the class president and somehow he manages to win the elections. As a student body president, he was asked to attend the school dance with someone, as no one was available, Landon asks Jamie and she says yes. Landon and Jamie knew each other since long but never spoke; he was one of the popular students of his school so he was hesitant to go on a dance with a girl like her. But at the end of the dance night, Landon was mesmerized by her looks and voice and admitted it to the best date ever.  Further they kept meeting on various occasions like the school play for production and rehearsals, which brought them closer to each other. They began knowing the true person within them, eventually they fell in love. They both began spending their time together in helping the orphans and collecting money for them. Jamie always kept telling Landon not to fall in love with her, as she knew he would. Days passed and their love grew until when Landon receives the shock of his life when Jamie reveals that she is dying of leukemia. Landon proposed Jamie but she never replied to him, until for the first time at Landon house dinner party, she accepts her love for him.

All this time Landon knew that Jamie is about to go and he is unable to do anything to her life, each moment was hard for him to imagine his life without her as he loved her so much. She was the one who made him a better human being, he lived his life for himself but Jamie taught him to live his life for others the way she did. Even though leukemia was killing her body right from the beginning yet she did not bother about herself but selflessly helped others in need. She taught him to love without expecting anything in return.

Landon decides to marry Jamie, even though she was about to leave him. Few days before her death Landon marries Jamie they way she wanted. She wished to have the church full of people and her dad walking besides her on the aisle.

 Nicholas Sparks is a master of fateful romantic love stories, through this novel has depicted the magic of Love, “Love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited, it is never rude or selfish, and it does not take offense and is never resentful, never demanding and always ready to accept.”

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Daisy Pais


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