Book Review – Business Doctors (Sameer Kamat)


Title: Business Doctors

Author: Sameer Kamat

 Author Bio: Sameer Kamat is the founder of MBA Crystal Ball and Booksoarus.

Publisher: Booksoarus.



Sameer Kamat, brings out an interesting combination for the readers with his second novel Business Doctors. The Mafia combined with management consultancy, add a pinch of glamour and a variety of well etched out characters ‘Business Doctors’ is a good read for those slow afternoons which need a little bit of adrenaline pump.

The worst part of books by today’s Indian authors is the use of Hinglish as a means to communicate with the readers, Sameer thankfully spares us from that torture. They way he develops each of his characters is appreciable and the way he has described the shoddy alleyways of Los Angelos where the premise of the book is set, is another positive about the book.

The story revolves around Stepen Woody, the successor of the woody empire who, on his glamorous ex-model wife’s suggestion  hires economic slow down struck Business Analyst Michael Schneider to get him out of his downfall.

What follows is a journey of quick witted dialogues and a gripping plot, that doesn’t let you put down the book for a minute. Kamat impresses you with his precision as a writer in this book, the only improvisation could have been the parts where the law enforcement is portrayed a bit shoddily, a more intelligent and realistic approach could have been used.

A good, recommended read, Business Doctors ensured my want to get my hands on his ‘Beyond the MBA Hype’ published earlier. Hope to see him churning out a few more in the fiction category soon, Business Doctor’s is undoubtedly a highly recommended read!


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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