Book Review: The Secret by Rhonda Bryne



Books are a man’s best friends. Avid readers may have a variety of books to choose from. But for non readers to read a fiction book is quite a challenge at first. Somehow reading books is a difficult thing to cultivate but once you get hooked on to it; it’s like marriage: you dutifully abide by it till the end. There are great authors whose works have passed on from one generation to another. They have the power to hold on to people’s attention for long. Their writing moves you like nothing can. There are certain books which make a lasting imprint on your mind, heart or soul. One such book is “The Secret”. This book is that kind of book which one can keep going back to again and again. It’s a self help book not a very popular category I know but this one is worth trying. Trust me!

The Secret is a best-selling 2006 self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne, published by Atria Books, it’s based on the earlier film of the same name. It is based on the law of attraction and claims that positive thinking can create life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness. The book has sold more than 19 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 46 languages.

The Secret states that the law of attraction is a natural law which determines the complete order of the universe and of our personal lives through the process of “like attracts like”. The author claims that as we think and feel, a corresponding frequency is sent out into the universe that attracts back to us events and circumstances on that same frequency. Just like Shah Rukh Khan in Om shanti Om, “agar pure dil se chaho toh puri kaynaat tumhe milaane ki saajish karti hai”.

This book, teaches one how to use The Secret in every aspect of life -money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction one has in the world. It helps one to understand the hidden, untapped power that’s within, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of one’s life.

The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers – men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.

I highly recommend this book as it would change your approach towards life. Whether you apply the concept of the book in your life is upto you. But it surely helps you in ways more than one.

–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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