Top 5 Must Read Management Books




One of the key features of management is that management is dynamic so in order to keep pace with the upcoming management trends one has to be well informed and well aware of various ideas that have helped solve the management paradigm .Enlisted here are 5 must read management books

1. Tipping point- Malcolm Gladwell


Ever wondered how little things make a big difference??Sociological changes that affect everyday life .It’s Funny how an idea that can spread like wildfire lead to either positive or a negative outcome. Do not forget to consider Glad wells three rules of epidemics …

2. The Human side of Enterprise- Douglas McGregor

human side of enterprise

Human Resource is the biggest asset to any organization .For a main aim of any organization is by the people for the people which in other words would mean the relationship between the employer employee and the customer .The author has formed two theories –Theory X and Theory Y .Theory X describes about the traditional views of management whereas theory Y considers the newer approach towards organanisational structure within a management based on the theory can one differentiate and understand various factors that affect the working of a management and which among his theories would be the most appropriate in the working of a management

3. Business Sutra – devdutt patnaik

business sutra

Ever thought mythology could give you management advice??Here is your answer Business Sutra authored by Mr. Devdutt Patnaik uses varied mythology such as Hindu, Jain Buddhist and cite examples as for Understanding wide variety of Business Situations from running a tea stall to nurture talent in a major multinational corporation. So not only will you end up learning a lot about mythology yet one will be able to use the principles in the current management scenario as well

4. The Art of thinking Clearly –Rolf Dobelli

the art of thinking clearly

Ever wondered why decision making is a scary task for almost everybody?? Imagine the importance of decision making in a management one wrong decision can create a total chaos in the working of an organization . The author Rolf Dobelli ‘s book is an eye opening look at human psychology and reasoning for it is these two factors that are the main reason for a decision making process.

5. he one Minute manager

one minute manager

The main difference that sets a manager apart from his employees is efficiency. Here is a guide book that includes simple tricks to increase productivity in the most effective way.

Management books are like guides not books of mere fiction one must not only understand but apply it in practical situations as well.

– Khyati Kotiyan

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