Business Planning and Entrepreneurship Management
Paper pattern:-
Q1. Objectives (15 marks)
Q2. Full length questions (2 sets of 2 questions each. Attempt any one set)
Q3. Full length questions (2 sets of 2 questions each. Attempt any one set)
Q4. Full length questions (2 sets of 2 questions each. Attempt any one set)
Q5. Short notes (3 of 5)
Unit 1
- What is the need and meaning of entrepreneurship
- What are the features of entrepreneurship
- What are the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur
- What is the role of an entrepreneur
- Explain Innovation and High achievement theory of entrepreneurship
- Elaborate SLEPT analysis
- What factors have led to the growth of Entrepreneurship in India
Unit 2
- What are the types of entrepreneurs
- Distinguish between entrepreneur and intrapreneur
- What are the problems faced by women entrepreneurs
- Elaborate the role of self help groups to develop women entrepreneurs
- What are the features of social entrepreneurs and how has it developed in India
- Elaborate the responsibilities of NGO
- What are the objectives of EDP
- Explain the phases of EDP
- Elaborate the institutions providing EDP
- SN on Ancilirization, BPO, Franchising,
Unit 3
- What are the methods of idea generation
- Elaborate the Entrepreneurship development cycle
- What are the elements of a business plan
- What are the objectives of a business plan
- What are the various ownership structures available for entrepreneurs
- SN on SWOT
Unit 4
- What are the steps to put up a small venture
- What are the institutional support available to entrepreneurs
- What is the importance of venture capitals
- Elaborate the venture capital process
- What are the factors affecting the requirement of fixed and working capital
- What are the sources of funds for fixed and working capital
- What are the various roles performed by market intermediaries
- Elaborate the new trends in entrepreneurship.
Text books recommended
- Sheth Publications,
- Vipul Publications
Please note:- These are a list of important and must do questions, however the whole syllabus needs to be done well.
For any further clarifications, please feel free to contact Prof Vipin Saboo on 9820779873 (whatsapp).