Brace Your Tastebuds For The Burger Boss-Burger 360


By Misbaah Mansuri



Food Joint-Burger 360

Where-Marina Tower, Dubai,UAE

What to try-Burger 360, Steak fries, Malwa Cake

The quest for a lip-smacking burger is something most burger-lovers encounter. I must admit that I have been fortunate enough to reawaken my taste-buds with the exquisite depth of the burger at Burger 360. Starting with the décor and ambience which exudes elegance. The outdoor seating which gives a wow-inducing view of the yachts, water, buildings and paints a breathtaking picture.

The steak fries are organically shaped with a great contrast of hot, creamy insides and crunchy coating. Going to B360, it is stuffed with caramelized onions and provolone cheese. It is generously crammed with onions and cheese and will immediately tease your tastebuds. The ratio of ingredients create a perfect texture where all the ingredients contribute to the flavour profile. The service and hospitality also shines throughout! The meal climaxed with the best possible dessert!It was the Malwa cake served with an ice-cream. With a spongy, caramelized texture it was served warm with the perfect choice of ice-cream to accompany it. As I dipped my  spoon into it I saw that the treat was still warm and was the melt-in-the-mouth affair of the meal. As it crumbled into my mouth with tantalizing goodness and continued to produce breath-taking thrills!

Burger 360 is indeed a result of devotion to the love and care of burgers that is unrivalled. You cannot afford to bypass this stunning eatery. Atleast for the sake of burger boss which awaits to beguile your senses and the rush of contentment you feel when you leave.I was amazed by the powerful after-kick gusto. You will too!




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  1. I loved d review. How can I subscribe to you and keep reading more? Beautiful and picture-perfect description.I Stay at Abu Dhabi only.Will surely go to Burger 360 after reading this!

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