Brand Management
Unit 1
- What are the features of a good brand
- What makes a good brand
- What are the importance of branding
- Product vs brand
- Explain the brand management process
- Explain customer based brand equity model
- What are the sources of brand equity
- What are the steps to build a brand
- How are brands positioned
Unit 2
- What are the criteria for choosing brand elements
- What are the types of brand elements
- What is relationship marketing and what are the types of relationship marketing
- How to set up prices to build brand equity
- Elaborate the direct and indirect channels
- What are the components of promotional mix under IMC
- What are the various ways to leverage on the brand associations to build brand equity
Unit 3
- Elaborate the brand value chain
- How to measure sources of brand equity
- Explain the Young and Rubicam’s brand asset valuation
- Explain the various comparative methods of measuring outcomes of brand equity
- Explain the various holistic methods of measuring outcomes of brand equity
Unit 4
- What is brand architecture and how to develop brand architecture
- What is brand hierarchy and what are the levels of brand hierarcy
- What is cause marketing and what are the advantages of clause marketing
- What is green marketing and what are the challenge that companies face for green marketing
- What is brand extension and what are the advantages and disadvantages of brand extension
- What are the strategies for brand reinforcement
- Why is brand revitilization important
- What are the strategies to do brand revitalization
- What are the different ways to build global brands
Text books recommended
- Vipul Publications
- Sheth Publications
For any further clarifications, please feel free to get in touch with Prof Vipin Saboo on 9820779873