Browser Maker Turns To Smartphone Making



US based Mozilla is all set to manufacture world’s cheapest smartphones with the help of Intex and Spice. Best known for its popular Firefox browser, the firm has signed a deal with mobile maker Intex Technologies and Spice, which could possibly result in to the world’s cheapest range of smartphones. Named as ‘Cloud FX’, the Firefox OS enabled smartphone is expected to be available from first week of August and will target the first time users with low-budget.

Mozilla also shook its hands with the Chinese chipset maker Spreadtrum for the handsets, for which it promises to keep the price tag around Rs. 1500, but the actual price will get up to Rs. 1800 to Rs. 2000. Moreover, the partnership with Intex and Spice will led to the first Firefox OS powered cellular devices in India.

The specifications are not at all attractive or impressive. The device is to have a 3.5inch screen display with Dual-Sim, with a very low 256MB or internal memory and a poor 256MB RAM. Taking the price tag as the first priority, quality also matters because it is going to offer low-budget smartphones. Taking these two factors in consideration is not a bad idea, but a smartphone with such poor specifications may not impress the consumers. Along with India, Mozilla is planning to take Firefox OS enabled mobile handsets to a global level.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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