Bullet for bullet: Is it the right policy?



In today’s world everyone who has an anger on someone wants to act in the same way as they acted. As it is told “tit for tat”, you will give anger then get anger and likely want to take revenge..and same goes bullet for bullet.

But what the person will get by taking revenge or by doing tit for tat or bullet for bullet……….ya, someone or the other will tell an answer that it makes me feel good that I taught a lesson to him/her or he/she deserves that only. May be practically i am not sounding well. But when a person takes a revenge or applies the rule bullet for bullet what respect that person or a country gets? I am not telling that when a person is firing a bullet on you, you should sit idle obviously at that point of time you should fire the person standing in front of you.But when the point comes as if they bombarded so we will also do the same that will make the fight more stronger and full of revenge and there will be no point of guilt or a chance of good relationship.

As a educated citizen or person thinking logically and sensibly will reduce terrorism and increase the relations in a positive aspect. In our Indian law too bullet for bullet policy is not applied.
“We live in Democratic country where law of land is above all. We follow a Constitution that provide us lots of fundamental rights & one of these is Right to life under Article 21. Right to life does not mean that in order to live we get right to kill some one even if he or she does so or try to do so against us , no doubt right of self defense as provided under the Penal Code of India allow us to protect us from any harm to our life or property but that too is with some conditions the provides the limit of using such right of self defense, & in no manner bullet for bullet will be covered under this right of self defense in a literate sense. If we get harmed we as a victim set the ball rolling in the legal arena which may be time consuming but the result always satisfy us in the end, but if we do the same mistake which was done to us we face the law on the other side of the court. So why keep the law away from us let us be with law & hit the law breaker untidily & punish him or her for the best.”

So I think that all should act 50-50 manner. That is if someone fires you should fire if necessary otherwise terrorism will never reduce. Even Gandhiji said that an eye for an eye will make whole world blind. But in the real sense I don’t think so that in this global and competitive edge if gone by the rule of Gandhi it will take years to stop terrorism and even many innocents will die.


I m not a has-been I m a will-be

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


  1. hi dhara, ur explanation of this topic is so good…..i was much impressed by ur discussion…. thanks for posting…….it helped me for my record work…..thank u once again……

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