Top 10 Awesome Excuses To Bunk Class



Bunk! A word that is so common and favorite among the students. It runs through every boggling mind during a boring lecture. To be an escapist, sleeping, day dreaming or bunking are some of the tactics students apply, when they find themselves gripped by the oh-so never ending hours of classes. When the time seems to move too slowly than usual, lazy people sleep, creative people dream and the third kind opt for a better way that is bunk! Listed below are the Top 10 excuses which would help you escape from those monotonous lectures and be a free bird at least till the next day. Have a look!

 10. “Madam I’m not feeling well”

Ma'am i am not feeling well

It is the most common and effective excuses of all times. When you don’t feel like attending any class, get hold of a symptom and stick to it till the end. Usually people try something safe and easy to go with like stomach ache. ‘You can’t see it; you can’t feel it and I have got it!’ That is how the trick works. Fever is easily identifiable so uh-uh! Instead try nausea. Tell your teacher that you are not feeling well and wish to go to dispensary or to your room. Try your acting skills by making a dull face that would definitely help. Warning: Don’t try this excuse at home, mom would surely catch you!

9. “My parents are here!”

My parents are here!

This works if you are staying in hostel, may be in your boarding school or college. It has been long time you have been sitting in class. The watch on your wrist seems to be too tired of ticking. You want to escape!  Suddenly an idea strikes in your head. “Excuse me ma’am! My parents are coming to college; they must be here, in hostel, any time now. Could you please allow me to go? My parents need to meet the warden.”, “Ok, but come back soon.”, “Yes ma’am.”, and you are free to leave. Look back at your friends and give them a grin.

8. The Sports Day

The Sports day

Never mind if you have never been a good player on the field, but claiming to be one may prove to be helpful. The sports day is coming and the practice sessions have started for the upcoming tournament in your college. Being in the extras doesn’t sound that bad, when you are allowed to bunk classes on the name of practice every now and then.

7. Exams round the corner

Exams round the corner

‘Mom I am taking an off from the school/college today. Exams are going to start and I need to study, a lot of syllabus to cover.’  To be a pretty little liar doesn’t always do harm. Though this one is a little difficult because for the rest of the day you need to keep your hands and mind supposedly busy with books, so that mommy can’t suspect that you were making excuses to get an off.

6. It is the Annual Fest!

It is the annual fest

College fests on the calendars again, and what can be better than joining as a coordinator or organizer to get rid of the boring classes! Committee meeting, organizing events, decorations, campaigning etc need so much time, and the teachers are left with no choice but to allow you to leave the class. Even if you are not interested in any of these, and prefer going out to a movie after bunking, your loyal friends can always play their part by adding your names into the list of participants, and get you the attendance without any trouble.

5. Last day for Signatures

Last date for signatures

This works best with your lab attendants and teachers who are oblivious to the events going on in your school/college. Take some printed paper, or write some vague application on a paper, fold it so that your teacher can’t see. Approach her and ask for the permission to go out, to get the paper signed by the Principal. To add to the urgency, say that today is the last day to get the signatures. He/She may ask you the reason, so make up some story before confronting him/her.

4. May I go to the washroom

May i go to the washroom

This one is apt for those of you, who are still into their high-school phase, asking for permission to go to the washroom or to drink water. It is far more worthy to give a try, when you have no other option to escape from the class. Wait for your teacher to finish speaking and approach her. When he/she allows you and you are already out of the class, don’t look back. You are a free spirit now. Go to canteen, have some food. Roam around vaguely; check your girlfriend’s class may be. Next day when the same teacher asks about your whereabouts the previous day, just say that the principal called you, or some lecturer called for some work. It is advised to use this trick only after half the class is over, so that your excuse seems apt and not any mode to escape the teacher’s class.

3. Project Work

Project work

Undertaking a project seriously is good as far as it helps you bunk a class. Last date of submission is nearing in, going to a friend’s house to do the project can prove to be another good excuse to bunk the school/college. When you wake up early morning, turn into your tensed mode. When mom asks you to get ready, tell her you need to complete the project under the deadline, and declare in a serious tone, that you have to take an off, at least for that day. You need to have a serious look on face, Mom should see that you have taken your task into strive and won’t back off, from actually bunking the school/college.

2. Someone is calling

Someone is calling

This trick has been fully experimented by many and the most effective of all. You may be in class, in lab or in seminar and the ongoing lecture becomes a pain to ears, you must try this trick. Put your cell phone to a good use and message your friend, who might be having a free hour or may be lucky enough to have bunked his class. Ask him to enter your class and say to the lecturer that some other lecturer is calling, or the Head of Department is calling, someone your current lecturer may not bother to ask. In such cases most of the times, your lecturer will let you go and not bother to ask you about the reason for the excuse. Once you are out of the class, give some company to your buddy and enjoy!

1. I met with an accident

I met with an accident

You can always have excuses to bunk several classes at a stretch and surprisingly show up on a bright sunny day. Pack your bags, go for a short trip, in short just disappear for some time from your college. When the news about your whereabouts would start doing rounds, surprise everyone by turning up, with a collar on your neck, or may be a plaster on your arms. Come up with a story of how did the mishap occur. That’s it; rest is to be taken care by others. You may even be permitted to take rest leave if your teachers fall for this one.


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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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