Business Communication Practice Question Paper 1


business communication

Communication means a process in which one person gives information to or receives from another person. Communication is exchange of ideas, opinions and information through written or spoken words, symbols or action. The communication can be intentional or unintentional. Business communication is the communication in which message is conveyed through various channels of communication including internet, print, radio, television, outdoor and word of mouth.

Here we present Business Communication Practice Question Paper 1:

Q.1      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. What is communication? Explain in detail types of Non Verbal Communication.
  2. What is listening? State the process of listening.
  3. Draft your resume for sale executive vacancy in Infosys Company.

Q.2      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. What is communication? What are the main objectives of downward communication?
  2. What is communication? What are the formal channels of communication?
  3. Draft Notice of Meeting calling for Annual General Meeting to the Mumbai Manager of Association.

Q.3      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. What is communication? Explain in detail Barriers to effective communication?
  2. What is interview? Explain the types of an interview?
  3. Draft the agenda of Annual General Meeting which head at Taj Mahal Hotel.

Q.4      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. What is Listening & explain in detail barrier to listening.
  2. Explain in detail parts of a letter.
  3. Draft the Minutes of the first Meeting Sadguru Trading Corporation
  4. What is wrong with the following three extracts from letters? Make the correction.
Dear Sir,

              Sub : Negligence in delivering goods.

Thank you for delivering the two steel Cupboards, which he had ordered.


Zen Graphics (pvt) Ltd

Green Avenue

Mumbai 400004



                       Sub : Condolence on death of your partner.

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