Business Environment Question Bank


1. Business – Definition, Features, Need, Characteristics, Objectives, Role, Scope

2. Business Environment – Definition, Meaning, Characteristics, Components, Need/Importance, Limitations

3. SN on Business as a Social System

4. SN on Role of Profit in Business

5. SN on Interface between Business and Environment

6. Components/types of Business Environment

7. Political Environment in India and its impact on Business

8. Social Environment in India and its impact on Business

9. SN on Business Government Relationship

10. Features of Current Economic Environment in India

11. SN on Industrial Policy 1991

12.  SN on Globalisation

13. Meaning and Features of Current Techonological Environment in India

14. Meaning and Features of Current Regulatory Environment in India

15. Meaning of Ecology, Environment and Ecology Balance

16. Relationship between Business and Ecology

17. Industrialisation and Environmental Pollution

18. Causes, Types, Measures of Pollution at Business Level

19. Government Policy on Environmental Pollution

20. Present Position of Ecology Consciousness in Indian Business

21. Suggestions for Ecology Consciousness at Business Level

22. Business Ethics – Meaning, Definition, Features, Need, Importance, Position and Enforcement

23. Good Ethics is Good Business / Ethical and Unethical Business Practices and their reasons

24. Role of Trade Associations and CFBP in promoting Business Ethics

25. Social Responsibility – Meaning, Definition, Rationale, Need, Arguments for and Against, Importance, Difficulties and Guidelines

26. Social Responsibility to different groups

27. Social Audit – Define, Meaning, Features, Areas, Advantages and Disadvantages

28. Commercial Audit v/s Social Audit

29. Industrial Units – Define, Meaning, Types, Steps

30. Project Report v/s Feasibility Report

31. Project Planning v.s Feasibility Planning

32. Joint Ventures – Meaning, Define, Features, Forms, Advantages, Limitations, examples

33. Foreign Collaborations v/s Joint Venture

34. Global Corporation – Meaning, Define, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages, Changing attitude

27. Transnationals – Meaning, Features

28. Business Reorganization – Meaning, Define, Objectives, Features

29. Restructuring – Features, Objectives, Need/Causes, Process, Advantages, Types, Methods, Examples

30. Diversification – Meaning, Features, Need, Types, Methods

31. SN on Industrial Sickness

32. SN onVRS

33. Turnaround – Meaning, Define, Features, Need, Strategy, Merits and Demerits

34. Closure – Meaning, Features, Reasons, Effects, Steps, Methods

35. Turnaround v/s Closure

36. Economic Trends Indicate Economic Environment

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