Business Ethics and CSR November 2011 University Question Paper


Section A

1) What do you mean by the following terms? (10 marks)

a) Ethos

b) Whistle Blowing

c) Ethics and Law

d) Corporate Governance

e) Altruism


2) Case Study:

There are a number of computers based ethical dilemma that have lately come to be major ethical issues. One set of issues deals with some of the new ethical dilemma that have emerged, or taken on new form, with the rise of Internet and Social networking.

There are now many ways to gain information about others that were not available, or easily available, before the rise of computers. Thus ethical issues about storage of personal information are now becoming an ever increasing problem. With more storage of personal data for social networking, arises the problem of selling that information for monetary gain. This gives rise to different ethical situations regarding access, security, and the use of hacking in positive and negative situations.


Discuss the various IT related ethical situations arising as above and the morality of positive or negative hacking.


Section B

3) Discuss the need and importance of Business Ethics. (10 marks)

4) What are the various thrust areas of good corporate governance? (10 marks)

5) Discuss the Indian perspective of ethics. (10 marks)

6) What are the measures through which an organization can fulfill its social responsibility? (10 marks)

7) Write short notes on any 2 of the following (10 marks)

a) Normative ethics

b) Business ethics in advertising

c) Triple Bottom Line

d) Workers exploitation

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