Business Ethics & CSR November 2012 University Question Paper


Section A

1) What do you mean by the following terms? (15 marks)

a) Rights of Investors

b) Environment Audit

c) Normative ethics

d) Triple Bottom Line

e) Internal stakeholders

2) A large size pharma company encourage target based performance culture. A new recruit joins the company and becomes the whistle-blower. He found that the marketing team including seniors was adopting unethical and illegal means to meet the high sales-target.


a) Discuss the issue of business ethics with reference to above case. (10 marks)

b) How can you justify profit as ethical in any business? (5 marks)


Section B

3) Discuss the relevance of Business Ethics in the modern world of materialism. (10 marks)

4) What is corporate governance? How does it affect the image of the company? (10 marks)

5) Discuss the role and responsibilities of society in CSR? (10 marks)

6) Explain ethics in global marketing and advertising with suitable examples. (10 marks)

7) Write short notes on: (10 marks)

a) Ethical issues in e-commerce

b) Purushartha

c) Safety at work

d) Audit Committee.

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